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Saturday, 25 August 2012

Identification method in Farm animals

 This is done to maintain records of farm animals and for various managemential activities
      There are 2 methods of identification:
i)                    Temporary identification.
ii)                  Permanent identification.
i)                    We may put the mark with the help of paint.
ii)                  Hanging certain numbers which is hanged in neck with the help of neck     chain.
iii)                Ear tag made of plastic.

i)                    Tattooing (words or numbers made of nails, holes filled with permanent ink)               

ii)                  Branding:-
         2 types of branding:
a) Hot branding:
             Brand made of iron rod, numbered it and passes it through red hot.
Wash the lower part of thigh and shave it. When brand is red hot apply it to the skin. Skin is burnt.

b) Cold branding:

             Wash the lower part of thigh and shave it. In this case we use liquid nitrogen (-196C). Dip the numbered brand in liquid nitrogen and apply it to the shaven part. Some of the cells beneath the skin are burnt.
iii)                Electronic implant:

                   In this method chip in the form of bolus is inserted in rumen. Chip is kept in rumen because it is indigestible.

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